Back in 2013 I taught my very first class at Scrapaneers–Empty Nest Scrapbooking. Just as the name suggests, it was geared towards those who were, or were about to become empty nesters. And before I go any further, if you still have littles at home, just keep reading as this is short post is not geared towards just to those whose kids have moved out! :)
There were several handouts with story prompts and worksheets in the class, and there was one handout I keep meaning to share–Empty Nest Photo Ideas. This list was a compilation of other photo idea lists I had collected for a few years. With COVID-19 forcing us to practice social distancing or having to shelter in place at home, I thought today was a good day to make this list available to everyone. Let's face it, as much as we love our kids, you can only take so many pictures of them going to school online or what they are doing to fill up their days to pass the time!
There are three sections of the list I want quickly mention.
1) Current Events. Obviously many of us have been documenting what has been going on in our world for the past several weeks. But one of the suggestions in this category is to document our favorite way we receive our news. We have so many different outlets in which we receive our news. I can remember a time when we only had the newspaper and TV! What's your favorite way to get caught up on current events?
2) Work. The workplace for many of us is now at home. Have you documented your new work space? The other photo ideas in this section are fun to consider!
3) Your Town. Again, today's events are dictating where we can or can't go. Are you finding you miss any of your favorite places? Which will you visit as soon as life starts to return to normal?
The photo list has been rebranded to reflect Pixels to Pages, but the content remains as it was for Empty Nest Scrapbooking. I hope you will find this list helpful and refer to it when you have the urge to photograph something other than those little humans with messy faces or those older ones that have developed an attitude because they can't socialize with their friends! Empty nesters will obviously find this list helpful, too! Download the PDF handout by clicking the link below!
Have a great weekend everyone and remember to be safe, be kind, and love one another!