March Project Life Pages are done (finally) and I'm excited to share them here on the blog today! So let's get right to it, shall we?
The products I am using are available in my Pixels to Pages Shop. They include:
Apps used to create the pages:
Project Life
Affinity Photo for iPad (see classes here)
(Feel free to click on each spread to enlarge it and don't forget to save pages to your Pinterest boards for future reference)
Title Page

As always, our Family Yearbook will begin with a chapter title page like you see above. Â I used the 6x4 March Chapter Two title card on Free Template 9 in the Project Life App. Drop shadows were turned off in my app preferences. I just love this simple page and how it helps to divide the album into definitive chapters.
Spread One

Again, sticking with consistancy, the left side of the first spread of each month will ALWAYS begin with Template 7 from Pack 5 in the Project Life App. The 3x4 journal card on the left is actually the 6x4 journal card you see in the bottome right corner on the right side of the spread. I just made sure the "this story" wording was centered nicely in the placeholder. Remember, it is okay to use the same journal card on both sides of the spread! It balances out the spread and makes in more cohesive.
The filler card on the right was made in Affinity Photo. I used paper from the Chapters March Edition (Everyday Theme) and then added the "bless my blooms" sticker found in the Chapters April Embellishment Kit (Spring Theme). Perfect for this spread!
Spread Two

Let's play "Never Have I Ever."
Never Have I Ever used Template 5 from the Free Pack in the Project Life Kit to create a page. This is the template with the nine square placeholders on it. I've never used this template before, but thought it was a perfect template to showcase these particular photos. Prior to adding them to the template, I first placed the brushstroke "label" to each of the photos in Affinity Photo for iPad.
The strawberry filler and journal cards were created in Affinity. They are not part of the kit, but if you are subscribed to my email list, you will find a link to grab them for free in today's (May 31, 2024) email!
Spread Three

There is a lot going on in this spread. So many stories and a fun designer's tip! First the tip.
Designer's Tip: If you have several photos you want to use to tell one story, consider looking at your template in "sections." For example, Templae 1 from the Free Pack in the app is one of my go-to templates. I tend to "split"it right down the middle so each side of the template is dedicated to its own story. In this case the left side of the template tells the story of the beginning of our laundry room makeover, and the right side shares the story of seeing Rick Steves. I was able to "split" Template 1 from Pack 19 as well, the two photos and filler card in the placeholders along the bottom of the page are from one story, while the other photos on the page are random ones taken throughout the month of March.
Back to the left side of the page...the 6x4 photo in the upper right left corner has two text boxes. One is for the large white rectangle where I used a uppercase "I" to create the journal area and the other text box was created for the journaling. You need to have FreeForm Text purchased in the App in order to do this. The "Real Life, Right Now" card is from the April Edition of the Chapters Collection. It was too perfect not to use on this page.
The 3x4 photos that look like polariod pics were done first in Affinity Photo for iPad using 3x4 Pocket Frames No. 1 Kit. I just love using these kits to add extra space for journaling and even photos on my layouts!
The "I was on a boat that day" filler card was created in Affinity Photo for iPad. Yes, I could have easily created this within the Project Life App, but the font I used, Orange Squash, has glyphs I wanted to access and I can't do that within the PL App.
Spread Four

And finally, the last spread for the month! Papers and embellishments are from the March Edition of the Chapters Collection. A frame from the 4x6 Pocket Frames No. 1 Kit was used on the right side of the spread.
The right hand side of the spread was featured in a tutorial I recorded recently. The Template in Template tutorial demonstrates how to use Pocket Frames within one of the latest products added to the Pixels to Pages Shop, Look-Alike Templates. These templates mirror those layouts found in the Project Life App and are especially made for Affinity Photo Version 2 users! If you want to check it out, the video is posted below!
Thanks for reading!!! If you have any questions/comments, feel free to leave them!